Alignment Property
Alignment property as it applies to the TextEffectFormat object.
MsoTextEffectAlignment can be one of these MsoTextEffectAlignment constants. |
msoTextEffectAlignmentCentered |
msoTextEffectAlignmentLeft |
msoTextEffectAlignmentMixed |
msoTextEffectAlignmentRight |
msoTextEffectAlignmentStretchJustify |
msoTextEffectAlignmentWordJustify |
msoTextEffectAlignmentLetterJustify |
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a TextEffectFormat object.
Alignment property as it applies to the ParagraphFormat object.
PpParagraphAlignment can be one of these PpParagraphAlignment constants. |
ppAlignCenter |
ppAlignDistribute |
ppAlignJustify |
ppAlignJustifyLow |
ppAlignLeft |
ppAlignmentMixed |
ppAlignRight |
ppAlignThaiDistribute |
*expression * Required. An expression that returns a ParagraphFormat object.
As it applies to the TextEffectFormat object.
This example adds a WordArt object to slide one in the active presentation and then right aligns the WordArt.
Set mySh = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes
Set myTE = mySh.AddTextEffect(PresetTextEffect:=msoTextEffect1, _
Text:="Test Text", FontName:="Palatino", FontSize:=54, _
FontBold:=True, FontItalic:=False, Left:=100, Top:=50)
myTE.TextEffect.Alignment = msoTextEffectAlignmentRight
As it applies to the ParagraphFormat object.
This example left aligns the paragraphs in shape two on slide one in the active presentation.
Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2) _
.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
Applies to | ParagraphFormat Object | TextEffectFormat Object