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ListBulletFontSize Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Sets or retrieves a Single that represents the list bullet font size from the specified paragraphs. Read/write.


expression Required. An expression that returns a ParagraphFormat object.


Returns an "Access Denied" message if the list is not a bulleted list.


This example tests to see if the list type is a bulleted list. If it is, the ListFontSize is set to 24 and the ListBulletFontName is set to "Verdana".

Dim objParaForm As ParagraphFormat

Set objParaForm = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _

With objParaForm
    If .ListType = pbListTypeBullet Then
        .ListBulletFontSize = 24
        .ListBulletFontName = "Verdana"
    End If
End With

Applies to | ParagraphFormat Object