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MatchWidth Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Sets or returns a Boolean representing whether or not a search operation will match the character width of the searched text. Read/Write.


expression Required. An expression that returns a ParagraphFormat object.


This property may not be available depending on the language enabled on your operating system. The default value is False.

Return "Access denied" if an East Asian language is not enabled.


The following example finds each occurance of the word "width" in the active document and applies bold formatting. The MatchWidth property is set to False so that full or half width characters will both be found. For example, this search will apply bold formatting to the word "width" (half-width characters) and the word " w i d t h" (full-width characters).

Dim objDocument As Document
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
With objDocument.Find
    .FindText = "width"
    .MatchWidth = False
    Do While .Execute = True
        .FoundTextRange.Font.Bold = msoTrue
End With

The following example finds each occurance of the word "width" in the active document and applies bold formatting. The MatchWidth property is set to True so that either full or half width characters will be found. For example, this search will apply bold formatting to "width". It will not apply formatting to the word "w i d t h".

Dim objDocument As Document
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
With objDocument.Find
    .FindText = "width"
    .MatchWidth = True
    Do While .Execute = True
        .FoundTextRange.Font.Bold = msoTrue
End With

Applies to | FindReplace Object