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Paragraph Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a single paragraph in a selection, range, or document. The Paragraph object is a member of the Paragraphs collection. The Paragraphs collection includes all the paragraphs in a selection, range, or document.

Using the Paragraph Object

Use Paragraphs(index), where index is the index number, to return a single Paragraph object. The following example right aligns the first paragraph in the active document.

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight

Use the Add , InsertParagraph , InsertParagraphAfter , or InsertParagraphBefore method to add a new, blank paragraph to a document. The following example adds a paragraph mark before the first paragraph in the selection.

Selection.Paragraphs.Add Range:=Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range

The following example also adds a paragraph mark before the first paragraph in the selection.


Properties | AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha Property | AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit Property | Alignment Property | Application Property | AutoAdjustRightIndent Property | BaseLineAlignment Property | Borders Property | CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent Property | CharacterUnitLeftIndent Property | CharacterUnitRightIndent Property | Creator Property | DisableLineHeightGrid Property | DropCap Property | FarEastLineBreakControl Property | FirstLineIndent Property | Format Property | HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine Property | HangingPunctuation Property | Hyphenation Property | ID Property | IsStyleSeparator Property | KeepTogether Property | KeepWithNext Property | LeftIndent Property | LineSpacing Property | LineSpacingRule Property | LineUnitAfter Property | LineUnitBefore Property | NoLineNumber Property | OutlineLevel Property | PageBreakBefore Property | Parent Property | Range Property | ReadingOrder Property | RightIndent Property | Shading Property | SpaceAfter Property | SpaceAfterAuto Property | SpaceBefore Property | SpaceBeforeAuto Property | Style Property | TabStops Property | WidowControl Property | WordWrap Property

Methods | CloseUp Method | Indent Method | IndentCharWidth Method | IndentFirstLineCharWidth Method | Next Method | OpenOrCloseUp Method | OpenUp Method | Outdent Method | OutlineDemote Method | OutlineDemoteToBody Method | OutlinePromote Method | Previous Method | Reset Method | SelectNumber Method | Space1 Method | Space15 Method | Space2 Method | TabHangingIndent Method | TabIndent Method

Parent Objects | Document | List | Range

Child Objects | Borders | DropCap | ParagraphFormat | Range | Shading | TabStops

See Also | Modifying a Portion of a Document | ParagraphFormat Object