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PrintBleedMarks Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

True to print bleed marks in the specified publication. The default is False. Read/write Boolean.


expression Required. An expression that returns an AdvancedPrintOptions object.


Bleed marks show the extent of a bleed, and print an eighth inch outside the crop marks.

This property is only accessible if bleeds are allowed in the specified publication. Use the AllowBleeds property of the AdvancedPrintOptions object to specify bleeds are allowed. Returns "Permission Denied" if bleeds are not allowed in the publication.

This property corresponds to the Bleed marks control on the Page Settings tab of the Advanced Print Settings dialog box.


The following example sets the publication to allow bleeds, and to print bleed marks.

Sub AllowBleedsAndPrintMarks()
    With ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions
        .AllowBleeds = True
        .PrintBleedMarks = True
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | AdvancedPrintOptions Object