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PrintColorBars Property [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

True to print a color bar for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


expression Required. An expression that returns an AdvancedPrintOptions object.


Returns "Permission Denied" if any print mode other than separations is selected for the specified publication. Use the PrintMode property of the AdvancedPrintOptions object to specifiy the print mode for a publication.

Color bars are used by commercial printers to determine how a solid patch of ink prints on the page.

This property corresponds to the Color bars control on the Page Settings tab of the Advanced Print Settings dialog box.

These printer's marks print outside of the publication and can only be printed if the size of the paper being printed to is larger than the publication page size.


The following example sets crop marks and job information to print with the publication. If the publication is printed as separations, the additional types of printer's marks are also set to print. This example assumes that the size of the paper being printed to is larger than the publication page size.

Sub SetPrintersMarksToPrint()
    With ActiveDocument.AdvancedPrintOptions
        .PrintCropMarks = True
        .PrintJobInformation = True
            If PrintMode = pbPrintModeSeparations Then
                .PrintRegistrationMarks = True
                .PrintDensityBars = True
                .PrintColorBars = True
            End If
        End With
End Sub

Applies to | AdvancedPrintOptions Object