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HasDiagram Property


MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue Doesn't apply to this property.
msoFalse Shape is not a diagram.
msoTriStateMixed Doesn't apply to this property.
msoTriStateToggle Doesn't apply to this property.
msoTrue Shape is a diagram.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example searches the current document for diagrams with nodes and if it finds both, creates a black balloon with bold white text.

Sub HasDiagramProperties()
    Dim shpDiagram As Shape
    Dim shpNode As DiagramNode
    Dim shpBalloon As Shape
    Dim sldFirst As Slide

    Set sldFirst = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)

    'Looks through the current document and when it finds a diagram
    'with one or more diagram nodes, creates a balloon with text
    For Each shpDiagram In sldFirst.Shapes
        If shpDiagram.HasDiagram = msoTrue And _
            shpDiagram.HasDiagramNode = msoTrue Then
                Set shpBalloon = sldFirst.Shapes.AddShape( _
                    Type:=msoShapeBalloon, Left:=350, _
                    Top:=75, Width:=150, Height:=150)
                With shpBalloon
                    With .TextFrame
                        .WordWrap = msoTrue
                        With .TextRange
                            .Text = "This is a diagram with nodes."
                            .Font.Color.RGB = RGB(Red:=255, _
                                Green:=255, Blue:=255)
                            .Font.Bold = True
                            .Font.Name = "Tahoma"
                            .Font.Size = 15
                        End With
                    End With
                    .Line.BackColor.RGB = RGB( _
                        Red:=0, Green:=25, Blue:=25)
                    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB( _
                        Red:=0, Green:=25, Blue:=25)
                End With
        End If
    Next shpDiagram
End Sub

Applies to | Shape Object | ShapeRange Collection Object