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DockedStencils Method [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Returns the names of all stencils docked in a Microsoft Office Visio drawing window.


object     Required. An expression that returns a Window object.

nameArray     Required String. Array that receives the names of stencils docked in a window.

Version added



The DockedStencils method returns an array of strings—the names of the stencils shown in the docked stencil panes of a window. When the window is a drawing window, the number of docked stencil panes (n) is equal to or greater than zero, and n is zero when the window isn't a drawing window.

If the DockedStencils method succeeds, nameArray returns a one-dimensional array of n strings indexed from zero (0) to n - 1. The nameArray argument is an out argument that is allocated by the DockedStencils method, ownership of which is passed back to the caller. The caller should eventually perform the SafeArrayDestroy procedure on the returned array. Note that the SafeArrayDestroy procedure has the side effect of freeing the strings referenced by the array's entries. The DockedStencils method fails if nameArray is null. (Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications take care of destroying the array for you.)

If strStencilName is the string returned by nameArray(StencilName), Documents.Item(strStencilName) succeeds and returns a Document object representing the stencil.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications macro shows how to use the DockedStencils method to get the document names of all the stencils docked in the active window. It also prints, in the Immediate window, the name of the active document and the lower and upper bounds of the array that holds the stencil names, and then it lists the stencil names and paths, also in the Immediate window.

Public Sub DockedStencils_Example() 
    Dim astrStencilNames() As String 
    ActiveWindow.DockedStencils astrStencilNames 

    Dim intLowerBound As Integer
    Dim intUpperBound As Integer 
    Dim intIndex As Integer

    intLowerBound = LBound(astrStencilNames) 
    intUpperBound = UBound(astrStencilNames) 
    Debug.Print "Active document: " ActiveWindow.Document; " Lower bound:"; intLowerBound; " Upper Bound:"; intUpperBound 

    intIndex = intLowerBound
    While intIndex <= intUpperBound 
        Debug.Print astrStencilNames(intIndex) 
        intIndex = intIndex + 1 

End Sub  

Applies to | Window object

See Also | Item property | Open method