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Message (MSPL)

The Message built-in class defines a basic SIP message type, and contains the parsed To and From headers along with the content block and the associated transaction. This class serves as the base parent class for the Request and Response classes.


class Message {
    string From;
    string To;
    string Content;
    bool Authenticated;
    Transaction Transaction;
    MessageOrigin Origin;
    string Stamp;
    string StampPool;                   


The Message class defines the following fields.

Field Description

Data type: string

Contains the value specified in the From header of the SIP message, represented as a Unicode string. This field contains the SIP address of the sender, along with any associated parameters.


Data type: string

Contains the value specified in the To header of the SIP message, represented as a Unicode string. This field commonly contains the SIP address (or addresses) of the recipient (or recipients), along with any associated parameters.


Data type: string

Contains the data in the Content header, represented as a string.


Data type: bool

Specifies true if the sender is authenticated; false if it is not.


Data type: Transaction

Contains the Transaction class associated with this message.


Data type: MessageOrigin

Specifies the origin of a SIP message. It may have one of the following values:

Value Description
LocalMachine The message was created by this or other local applications or server components.
NetworkInternal The message arrived at the internal edge of this Access Proxy.
NetworkExternal The message arrived at the external edge of this Access Proxy.
NetworkUnknown The message came from an a connection that was not configured as an internal or external connection.
Only Access Proxies are aware of network edges. For other servers the value for messages received from the network will be "NetworkUnknown".

Data type: string

Marks a message with the supplied string, which can be read by either this application or downstream instances of this application.


Data type: string

Retrieves the name of the server pool in which the last stamp for this application was set.

See Also

MSPL Built-in Classes