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The MSFT_SIPESUserSetting class defines the settings for a specific Active Directory user in a Live Communications Server environment.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

class MSFT_SIPESUserSetting
  string ArchivingEnabled;
  string DisplayName;
  boolean Enabled;
  boolean EnabledForFederation;
  boolean EnabledForInternetAccess;
  string HomeServerDN;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  string LineServerURI;
  string LineURI;
  string PrimaryURI;
  boolean PublicNetworkEnabled;
  boolean RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled;
  string TargetServerDNIfMoving;
  string UserCategory;
  string UserDN;


This class has no methods.


The MSFT_SIPESUserSetting class has the following properties.

  • ArchivingEnabled
    Data type: string

    Controls whether a user's communications are to be archived. The control is enforced by the Archiving Agent layer.

    Value Meaning
    GlobalDefault The default archiving setting within the user's forest boundary. This value is determined by the MSFT_SIPGlobalArchivingSetting.ArchiveDefault attribute, which can be set to true or false.
    Always The user's communications are always archived, regardless of the global default setting.
    AlwaysWithoutBody Regardless of the global default setting, the user's communications are always archived, but the body of the messages is not archived. This property is optional on creation and can be updated.
    Never The user's communications are never archived, regardless of the global default setting.

    The default value is GlobalDefault.

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • DisplayName
    Data type: string

    The display name for this user as registered on the home server.

    This property can be NULL, but if specified, it must be the actual display name of the user as specified in Active Directory (both for create and update operations).

  • Enabled
    Data type: boolean

    If true, this user is authorized for ; if false, the user does not have specific support under SIP.

    This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • EnabledForFederation
    Data type: boolean

    If true the user is enabled for federation. If false the user is not enabled for federation. The default is false. This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • EnabledForInternetAccess
    Data type: boolean

    If true the user is enabled for internet access. If false the user is not enabled for internet access. The default is false. This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • HomeServerDN
    Data type: string

    The distinguished name of the home server for this user. This name must be valid within the domain's Active Directory. This value cannot be NULL.

    This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    A GUID value that uniquely identifies this Active Directory user. The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

    This property is optional on creation and cannot be updated.

  • LineServerURI
    Data type: string

    The SIP URI of the telephony gateway server assigned to this user for remote-call control (RCC).

    A valid SIP URI should be in the form:

    The maximum length of the string is 454 characters.

    If RemoteCallControlTelephoneyEnabled is TRUE, this value cannot be NULL. This property can be updated. It is not indexed but is marked for global container replication.

  • LineURI
    Data type: string

    Either the SIP URI or the Tel. URI of the user's phone line. This value is used by the Microsoft Office Communicator client for call routing.

    A valid SIP URI should be in the form:;user=phone

    This SIP URI value must be unique. The maximum length of the string is 454 characters.

    A valid Tel. URI should be in the form:

    tel:+14257071111;ext=71111;attribute=telephone number

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated. It is indexed and marked for global container replication.

    If RemoteCallControlTelephoneyEnabled is TRUE, this value cannot be NULL.

  • PrimaryURI
    Data type: string

    The primary SIP URI of the user, in the form "sip:user@domain" where the domain substring is either a fully qualified domain name or a valid IP address. Domains cannot be or any multicast domain address from to

    This URI value must be unique. The maximum length of the string is 454 characters.

    This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • PublicNetworkEnabled
    Data type: boolean

    If true, the user is authorized for public IM connectivity, the ability to exchange IM with users hosted by one or more public IM service providers; if false, the user not authorized for public IM connectivity.

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated. It is marked for global container replication.

  • RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled
    Data type: boolean

    If true, the user is authorized for remote call control, the ability to use the Microsoft Office Communicator client in combination with the user's computer to initiate, receive, and forward phone calls. If false, the user is not authorized for remote call control. If the value is true, LineURI and LineServerURI cannot be null. The default value is FALSE.

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • TargetServerDNIfMoving
    Data type: string

    The distinguished name of the target server to which the Active Directory user object is moving, if a user move is in progress.

    This property must be null on creation and cannot be updated.

  • UserCategory
    Data type: string

    Indicates whether the user is represented in Active Directory by a User object or a Contact object.

    Value Meaning
    user The Active Directory object is, or is derived from, a User object.
    contact The Active Directory object is, or is derived from, a Contact object.
    inetOrgPerson The Active Directory object is, or is derived from, an inetOrgPerson object, which can represent any user who is associated with an organization in some way.
  • UserDN
    Data type: string

    The distinguished name of the corresponding Active Directory user object for this user. This value cannot be NULL.

    This property is required on creation and cannot be updated.


This class only connects to the local WMI provider and only reads from and writes to Active Directory. In the case of move operations, in addition to reading from Active Directory to validate the request and translate the distinguished names of the source and target home servers to FQDNs, the WMI provider also connects to the source and to target home servers. Both home servers must be running in order for the move operation to succeed.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 with Live Communications Server 2005.
Namespace: Included in \root\cimv2.

See Also

MSFT_SIPESUserACEData, Live Communications Server WMI Reference