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ReviewerMarkupVisible Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Determines whether reviewer markup, for a particular reviewer or all reviewers, is visible in a Microsoft Office Visio 2003 window that displays a drawing page.

boolRet = object.ReviewerMarkupVisible([ReviewerID])

object.ReviewerMarkupVisible([ReviewerID]) = boolValue

boolRet       Boolean. True(-1) if reviewer markup is visible; False (0) if not.

object       Required. An expression that returns a Window object.

boolValue      Required Boolean. True (-1) to show reviewer markup; False (0) to hide it. The default is True.

ReviewerID       Optional Long. The ID of a particular reviewer. If you do not pass a reviewer ID, the ReviewerMarkupVisible property value specifies visibility for all reviewers.

Version added



Use the ReviewerMarkupVisible property to get and set the current status (visible or not) of reviewer markup, either for one or all reviewers, in a window that can display markup overlays. Setting the ReviewerMarkupVisible property corresponds to setting reviewer visibility status on the Reviewers button drop-down list on the Reviewers toolbar, or in the Show Markup Overlays section of the Reviewing task pane, both in the user interface. For example, setting ReviewerMarkupVisible to True without passing a value for ReviewerID is equivalent to clicking Show All in the Reviewers list. And setting ReviewerMarkupVisible to False while passing the ID of a particular reviewer is equivalent to clearing the box for that reviewer on the toolbar list.

The ReviewerMarkupVisible property is enabled only when object is a window that displays a Visio drawing page, and not another type of Visio window, such as a stencil or ShapeSheet window, for example.

When viewing markup is disabled in the user interface, setting the ReviewerMarkupVisible property is also disabled. If you attempt to set ReviewerMarkupVisible when viewing markup is disabled, Visio will display an error message. To be able to set ReviewerMarkupVisible, you must enable viewing markup by clicking Markup on the View menu or Show/Hide Markup on the Reviewing toolbar. Alternatively, you can enable viewing markup on existing markup overlays by changing the value of the ViewMarkup cell in the Document Properties section of the document's ShapeSheet. Use the following code:

ActiveDocument.DocumentSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowDoc, visDocViewMarkup).FormulaU = True


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro uses the ReviewerMarkupVisible property to get the current visibility status of reviewer markup for all reviewers in the active Visio drawing window. Then it toggles the status to the opposite value. This example assumes that the active window contains markup overlays.

Public Sub ReviewerMarkupVisible_Example()

    ActiveWindow.Document.DocumentSheet.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowDoc, visDocViewMarkup).FormulaU = True   

    Debug.Print ActiveWindow.ReviewerMarkupVisible
    ActiveWindow.ReviewerMarkupVisible = Not ActiveWindow.ReviewerMarkupVisible
    Debug.Print ActiveWindow.ReviewerMarkupVisible
End Sub

Applies to | Window object

See Also | OriginalPage property | ReviewerID property