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Obtaining a Live Communications Server User Instance ID

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

Obtaining a Live Communications Server User Instance ID

The following code sample demonstrates how to obtain a Live Communication Server user's instance ID based on a supplied URI for the user.

To execute this code successfully, you must be a member of the Live Communications Server Domain User Admin group.

Public Function ObtainLCUserInstanceID(URI)

    ' Connect to the WMI server.
    Set wmiServer = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator").ConnectServer()

    'Do error checking here.

    Query = "SELECT InstanceID FROM MSFT_SIPESUserSetting where PrimaryURI = '" & URI & "'"
    Set LCUserEnum = wmiServer.ExecQuery(Query)

    'Do error checking here.

    WScript.Echo "The following Live Communications User Instance IDs matched the supplied URI:"

    For each LCUser in LCUserEnum           

        WScript.Echo LCUser.InstanceID

    ObtainLCUserInstanceID = true

End Function
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