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MsoAutoShapeType Enumeration 

Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Core
Assembly: office (in office.dll)


Dim msoAutoShapeType1 As MsoAutoShapeType = MsoAutoShapeType.msoShape16pointStar


Public Enum MsoAutoShapeType
public enum MsoAutoShapeType
public enum class MsoAutoShapeType
public enum MsoAutoShapeType
public enum MsoAutoShapeType


Member name Description
msoShape16pointStar 16-point star.
msoShape24pointStar 24-point star.
msoShape32pointStar 32-point star.
msoShape4pointStar 4-point star.
msoShape5pointStar 5-point star.
msoShape8pointStar 8-point star.
msoShapeActionButtonBackorPrevious Back or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonBeginning Beginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonCustom Button with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonDocument Document button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonEnd End button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonForwardorNext Forward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonHelp Help button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonHome Home button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonInformation Information button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonMovie Movie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonReturn Return button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeActionButtonSound Sound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
msoShapeArc Arc.
msoShapeBalloon Balloon.
msoShapeBentArrow Block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle.
msoShapeBentUpArrow Block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default.
msoShapeBevel Bevel.
msoShapeBlockArc Block arc.
msoShapeCan Can.
msoShapeChevron Chevron.
msoShapeCircularArrow Block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle.
msoShapeCloudCallout Cloud callout.
msoShapeCross Cross.
msoShapeCube Cube.
msoShapeCurvedDownArrow Block arrow that curves down.
msoShapeCurvedDownRibbon Ribbon banner that curves down.
msoShapeCurvedLeftArrow Block arrow that curves left.
msoShapeCurvedRightArrow Block arrow that curves right.
msoShapeCurvedUpArrow Block arrow that curves up.
msoShapeCurvedUpRibbon Ribbon banner that curves up.
msoShapeDiamond Diamond.
msoShapeDonut Donut.
msoShapeDoubleBrace Double brace.
msoShapeDoubleBracket Double bracket.
msoShapeDoubleWave Double wave.
msoShapeDownArrow Block arrow that points down.
msoShapeDownArrowCallout Callout with arrow that points down.
msoShapeDownRibbon Ribbon banner with center area below ribbon ends.
msoShapeExplosion1 Explosion.
msoShapeExplosion2 Explosion.
msoShapeFlowchartAlternateProcess Alternate process flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartCard Card flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartCollate Collate flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartConnector Connector flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartData Data flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartDecision Decision flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartDelay Delay flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartDirectAccessStorage Direct access storage flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartDisplay Display flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartDocument Document flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartExtract Extract flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartInternalStorage Internal storage flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartMagneticDisk Magnetic disk flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartManualInput Manual input flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartManualOperation Manual operation flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartMerge Merge flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartMultidocument Multi-document flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartOffpageConnector Off-page connector flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartOr "Or" flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartPredefinedProcess Predefined process flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartPreparation Preparation flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartProcess Process flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartPunchedTape Punched tape flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartSequentialAccessStorage Sequential access storage flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartSort Sort flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartStoredData Stored data flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartSummingJunction Summing junction flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFlowchartTerminator Terminator flowchart symbol.
msoShapeFoldedCorner Folded corner.
msoShapeHeart Heart.
msoShapeHexagon Hexagon.
msoShapeHorizontalScroll Horizontal scroll.
msoShapeIsoscelesTriangle Isosceles triangle.
msoShapeLeftArrow Block arrow that points left.
msoShapeLeftArrowCallout Callout with arrow that points left.
msoShapeLeftBrace Left brace.
msoShapeLeftBracket Left bracket.
msoShapeLeftRightArrow Block arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right.
msoShapeLeftRightArrowCallout Callout with arrowheads that point both left and right.
msoShapeLeftRightUpArrow Block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up.
msoShapeLeftUpArrow Block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up.
msoShapeLightningBolt Lightning bolt.
msoShapeLineCallout1 Callout with border and horizontal callout line.
msoShapeLineCallout1AccentBar Callout with horizontal accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout1BorderandAccentBar Callout with border and horizontal accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout1NoBorder Callout with horizontal line.
msoShapeLineCallout2 Callout with diagonal straight line.
msoShapeLineCallout2AccentBar Callout with diagonal callout line and accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout2BorderandAccentBar Callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout2NoBorder Callout with no border and diagonal callout line.
msoShapeLineCallout3 Callout with angled line.
msoShapeLineCallout3AccentBar Callout with angled callout line and accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout3BorderandAccentBar Callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar.
msoShapeLineCallout3NoBorder Callout with no border and angled callout line.
msoShapeLineCallout4 Callout with callout line segments forming a U-shape.
msoShapeLineCallout4AccentBar Callout with accent bar and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
msoShapeLineCallout4BorderandAccentBar Callout with border, accent bar, and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
msoShapeLineCallout4NoBorder Callout with no border and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
msoShapeMixed Return value only; indicates a combination of the other states.
msoShapeMoon Moon.
msoShapeNoSymbol "No" symbol.
msoShapeNotchedRightArrow Notched block arrow that points right.
msoShapeNotPrimitive Not supported.
msoShapeOctagon Octagon.
msoShapeOval Oval.
msoShapeOvalCallout Oval-shaped callout.
msoShapeParallelogram Parallelogram.
msoShapePentagon Pentagon.
msoShapePlaque Plaque.
msoShapeQuadArrow Block arrows that point up, down, left, and right.
msoShapeQuadArrowCallout Callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right.
msoShapeRectangle Rectangle.
msoShapeRectangularCallout Rectangular callout.
msoShapeRegularPentagon Pentagon.
msoShapeRightArrow Block arrow that points right.
msoShapeRightArrowCallout Callout with arrow that points right.
msoShapeRightBrace Right brace.
msoShapeRightBracket Right bracket.
msoShapeRightTriangle Right triangle.
msoShapeRoundedRectangle Rounded rectangle.
msoShapeRoundedRectangularCallout Rounded rectangle-shaped callout.
msoShapeSmileyFace Smiley face.
msoShapeStripedRightArrow Block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail.
msoShapeSun Sun.
msoShapeTrapezoid Trapezoid.
msoShapeUpArrow Block arrow that points up.
msoShapeUpArrowCallout Callout with arrow that points up.
msoShapeUpDownArrow Block arrow that points up and down.
msoShapeUpDownArrowCallout Callout with arrows that point up and down.
msoShapeUpRibbon Ribbon banner with center area above ribbon ends.
msoShapeUTurnArrow Block arrow forming a U shape.
msoShapeVerticalScroll Vertical scroll.
msoShapeWave Wave.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace