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Rows MembersĀ 

A collection of Row objects that represent the table rows in the specified selection, range, or table.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Rows type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Alignment Returns or sets a WdRowAlignment constant that represents the alignment for the specified rows.
AllowBreakAcrossPages Determine if the text in a table row or rows is allowed to split across a page break.
AllowOverlap Returns or sets a value that specifies whether the specified rows can overlap other rows.
Application Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Borders Returns a Borders collection that represents all the borders for the specified object.
Count Returns the number of items in the specified collection.
Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
DistanceBottom Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the bottom edge of the specified table.
DistanceLeft Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the left edge of the specified table.
DistanceRight Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the right edge of the specified table.
DistanceTop Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the top edge of the specified table.
First Returns a Row object that represents the first item in the Rows collection.
HeadingFormat Determine if the specified row or rows are formatted as a table heading.
Height Returns or sets the height of the specified row or rows in a table.
HeightRule Returns or sets the rule for determining the height of the specified rows.
HorizontalPosition Returns or sets the horizontal distance between the edge of the rows and the item specified by the RelativeHorizontalPosition property.
Item Returns an individual object in a collection.
Last Returns the last item in the Rows collection as a Row object.
LeftIndent Returns or sets a Single that represents the left indent value (in points) for the specified table rows.
NestingLevel Returns the nesting level of the specified rows.
Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.
RelativeHorizontalPosition Specifies to what the horizontal position of a group of rows is relative.
RelativeVerticalPosition Specifies to what the vertical position of a group of rows is relative.
Shading Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the specified object.
SpaceBetweenColumns Returns or sets the distance (in points) between text in adjacent columns of the specified row or rows.
TableDirection Returns or sets the direction in which Microsoft Word orders cells in the specified table or row.
VerticalPosition Returns or sets the vertical distance between the edge of the rows and the item specified by the RelativeVerticalPosition property.
WrapAroundText Determines whether text should wrap around the specified rows.


Public Methods

  Name Description
Add Returns a Row object that represents a row added to a table.
ConvertToText Converts a table to text and returns a Range object that represents the delimited text.
Delete Deletes the specified object.
DistributeHeight Adjusts the height of the specified rows so that they're equal.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator to support iterating through the collection.
Select Selects the specified object.
SetHeight Sets the height of table rows.
SetLeftIndent Sets the indentation for a row or rows in a table.


See Also


Rows Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace