WdFieldType Enumeration 

Specifies a Microsoft Word field.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in microsoft.office.interop.word.dll)


Dim wdFieldType1 As WdFieldType = WdFieldType.wdFieldAddin


Public Enum WdFieldType
public enum WdFieldType
public enum class WdFieldType
public enum WdFieldType
public enum WdFieldType


Member name Description
wdFieldAddin Add-in field. Not available through the Field dialog box. Used to store data that is hidden from the user interface.
wdFieldAddressBlock AddressBlock field.
wdFieldAdvance Advance field.
wdFieldAsk Ask field.
wdFieldAuthor Author field.
wdFieldAutoNum AutoNum field.
wdFieldAutoNumLegal AutoNumLgl field.
wdFieldAutoNumOutline AutoNumOut field.
wdFieldAutoText AutoText field.
wdFieldAutoTextList AutoTextList field.
wdFieldBarCode BarCode field.
wdFieldBidiOutline BidiOutline field.
wdFieldComments Comments field.
wdFieldCompare Compare field.
wdFieldCreateDate CreateDate field.
wdFieldData Data field.
wdFieldDatabase Database field.
wdFieldDate Date field.
wdFieldDDE DDE field. No longer available through the Field dialog box, but supported for documents created in earlier versions of Microsoft Word.
wdFieldDDEAuto DDEAuto field. No longer available through the Field dialog box, but supported for documents created in earlier versions of Microsoft Word.
wdFieldDocProperty DocProperty field.
wdFieldDocVariable DocVariable field.
wdFieldEditTime EditTime field.
wdFieldEmbed Embedded field.
wdFieldEmpty Empty field. Acts as a placeholder for field content that has not yet been added. A field added by pressing Ctrl+F9 in the user interface is an Empty field.
wdFieldExpression = (Formula) field.
wdFieldFileName FileName field.
wdFieldFileSize FileSize field.
wdFieldFillIn Fill-In field.
wdFieldFootnoteRef FootnoteRef field. Not available through the Field dialog box. Inserted programmatically or interactively.
wdFieldFormCheckBox FormCheckBox field. Inserted with the Check Box Form Field button on the Forms toolbar rather than through the Field dialog box or through code.
wdFieldFormDropDown FormDropDown field. Inserted with the Drop-Down Form Field button on the Forms toolbar rather than through the Field dialog box or through code.
wdFieldFormTextInput FormText field. Inserted with the Text Form Field button on the Forms toolbar rather than through the Fields dialog box or through code.
wdFieldFormula EQ (Equation) field.
wdFieldGlossary Glossary field. No longer supported in Microsoft Word.
wdFieldGoToButton GoToButton field.
wdFieldGreetingLine GreetingLine field.
wdFieldHTMLActiveX HTMLActiveX field. Not currently supported.
wdFieldHyperlink Hyperlink field.
wdFieldIf If field.
wdFieldImport Import field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added interactively or through code.
wdFieldInclude Include field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added interactively or through code.
wdFieldIncludePicture IncludePicture field.
wdFieldIncludeText IncludeText field.
wdFieldIndex Index field.
wdFieldIndexEntry XE (Index Entry) field.
wdFieldInfo Info field.
wdFieldKeyWord Keywords field.
wdFieldLastSavedBy LastSavedBy field.
wdFieldLink Link field.
wdFieldListNum ListNum field.
wdFieldMacroButton MacroButton field.
wdFieldMergeField MergeField field.
wdFieldMergeRec MergeRec field.
wdFieldMergeSeq MergeSeq field.
wdFieldNext Next field.
wdFieldNextIf NextIf field.
wdFieldNoteRef NoteRef field.
wdFieldNumChars NumChars field.
wdFieldNumPages NumPages field.
wdFieldNumWords NumWords field.
wdFieldOCX OCX field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added through code by using the AddOLEControl method of the FormFields collection.
wdFieldPage Page field.
wdFieldPageRef PageRef field.
wdFieldPrint Print field.
wdFieldPrintDate PrintDate field.
wdFieldPrivate Private field.
wdFieldQuote Quote field.
wdFieldRef Ref field.
wdFieldRefDoc RD (Reference Document) field.
wdFieldRevisionNum RevNum field.
wdFieldSaveDate SaveDate field.
wdFieldSection Section field.
wdFieldSectionPages SectionPages field.
wdFieldSequence Seq (Sequence) field.
wdFieldSet Set field.
wdFieldShape Shape field. Automatically created for any drawn picture.
wdFieldSkipIf SkipIf field.
wdFieldStyleRef StyleRef field.
wdFieldSubject Subject field.
wdFieldSubscriber Subscriber field.
wdFieldSymbol Symbol field.
wdFieldTemplate Template field.
wdFieldTime Time field.
wdFieldTitle Title field.
wdFieldTOA TOA (Table of Authorities) field.
wdFieldTOAEntry TOA (Table of Authorities Entry) field.
wdFieldTOC TOC (Table of Contents) field.
wdFieldTOCEntry TOC (Table of Contents Entry) field.
wdFieldUserAddress UserAddress field.
wdFieldUserInitials UserInitials field.
wdFieldUserName UserName field.


Unless otherwise specified, the field types described in this enumeration can be added interactively to a Microsoft Word document by using the Field dialog box (Insert|Field). See Help for interactive Word for more information on specific field code.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace