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WdBuiltinStyle Enumeration 

Specifies a built-in Microsoft Word style.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in


Dim wdBuiltinStyle1 As WdBuiltinStyle = WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleBlockQuotation


Public Enum WdBuiltinStyle
public enum WdBuiltinStyle
public enum class WdBuiltinStyle
public enum WdBuiltinStyle
public enum WdBuiltinStyle


Member name Description
wdStyleBlockQuotation Block Quotation.
wdStyleBodyText Body Text.
wdStyleBodyText2 Body Text 2.
wdStyleBodyText3 Body Text 3.
wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent Body Text First Indent.
wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent2 Body Text First Indent 2.
wdStyleBodyTextIndent Body Text Indent.
wdStyleBodyTextIndent2 Body Text Indent 2.
wdStyleBodyTextIndent3 Body Text Indent 3.
wdStyleCaption Caption.
wdStyleClosing Closing.
wdStyleCommentReference Comment Reference.
wdStyleCommentText Comment Text.
wdStyleDate Date.
wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont Default Paragraph Font.
wdStyleEmphasis Emphasis.
wdStyleEndnoteReference Endnote Reference.
wdStyleEndnoteText Endnote Text.
wdStyleEnvelopeAddress Envelope Address.
wdStyleEnvelopeReturn Envelope Return.
wdStyleFooter Footer.
wdStyleFootnoteReference Footnote Reference.
wdStyleFootnoteText Footnote Text.
wdStyleHeader Header.
wdStyleHeading1 Heading 1.
wdStyleHeading2 Heading 2.
wdStyleHeading3 Heading 3.
wdStyleHeading4 Heading 4.
wdStyleHeading5 Heading 5.
wdStyleHeading6 Heading 6.
wdStyleHeading7 Heading 7.
wdStyleHeading8 Heading 8.
wdStyleHeading9 Heading 9.
wdStyleHtmlAcronym HTML Acronym.
wdStyleHtmlAddress HTML Address.
wdStyleHtmlCite HTML City.
wdStyleHtmlCode HTML Code.
wdStyleHtmlDfn HTML Definition.
wdStyleHtmlKbd HTML Keyboard.
wdStyleHtmlNormal Normal (Web).
wdStyleHtmlPre HTML Preformatted.
wdStyleHtmlSamp HTML Sample.
wdStyleHtmlTt HTML Typewriter.
wdStyleHtmlVar HTML Variable.
wdStyleHyperlink Hyperlink.
wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed Followed Hyperlink.
wdStyleIndex1 Index 1.
wdStyleIndex2 Index 2.
wdStyleIndex3 Index 3.
wdStyleIndex4 Index 4.
wdStyleIndex5 Index 5.
wdStyleIndex6 Index 6.
wdStyleIndex7 Index 7.
wdStyleIndex8 Index8.
wdStyleIndex9 Index 9.
wdStyleIndexHeading Index Heading
wdStyleLineNumber Line Number.
wdStyleList List.
wdStyleList2 List 2.
wdStyleList3 List 3.
wdStyleList4 List 4.
wdStyleList5 List 5.
wdStyleListBullet List Bullet.
wdStyleListBullet2 List Bullet 2.
wdStyleListBullet3 List Bullet 3.
wdStyleListBullet4 List Bullet 4.
wdStyleListBullet5 List Bullet 5.
wdStyleListContinue List Continue.
wdStyleListContinue2 List Continue 2.
wdStyleListContinue3 List Continue 3.
wdStyleListContinue4 List Continue 4.
wdStyleListContinue5 List Continue 5.
wdStyleListNumber List Number.
wdStyleListNumber2 List Number 2.
wdStyleListNumber3 List Number 3.
wdStyleListNumber4 List Number 4.
wdStyleListNumber5 List Number 5.
wdStyleMacroText Macro Text.
wdStyleMessageHeader Message Header.
wdStyleNavPane Document Map.
wdStyleNormal Normal.
wdStyleNormalIndent Normal Indent.
wdStyleNormalTable Normal (applied within a table).
wdStyleNoteHeading Note Heading.
wdStylePageNumber Page Number.
wdStylePlainText Plain Text.
wdStyleSalutation Salutation.
wdStyleSignature Signature.
wdStyleStrong Strong.
wdStyleSubtitle Subtitle.
wdStyleTableOfAuthorities Table of Authorities.
wdStyleTableOfFigures Table of Figures.
wdStyleTitle Title.
wdStyleTOAHeading TOA Heading.
wdStyleTOC1 TOC 1.
wdStyleTOC2 TOC 2.
wdStyleTOC3 TOC 3.
wdStyleTOC4 TOC 4.
wdStyleTOC5 TOC 5.
wdStyleTOC6 TOC 6.
wdStyleTOC7 TOC 7.
wdStyleTOC8 TOC 8.
wdStyleTOC9 TOC 9.


Descriptions listed for each constant correspond to the style's name as seen in the Styles and Formatting task pane.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace