WdReferenceKind Enumeration 

Specifies the information to include in a cross-reference.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in microsoft.office.interop.word.dll)


Dim wdReferenceKind1 As WdReferenceKind = WdReferenceKind.wdContentText


Public Enum WdReferenceKind
public enum WdReferenceKind
public enum class WdReferenceKind
public enum WdReferenceKind
public enum WdReferenceKind


Member name Description
wdContentText Insert text value of the specified item. For example, insert text of the specified heading.
wdEndnoteNumber Insert endnote reference mark.
wdEndnoteNumberFormatted Insert formatted endnote reference mark.
wdEntireCaption Insert label, number, and any additional caption of specified equation, figure, or table.
wdFootnoteNumber Insert footnote reference mark.
wdFootnoteNumberFormatted Insert formatted footnote reference mark.
wdNumberFullContext Insert complete heading or paragraph number.
wdNumberNoContext Insert heading or paragraph without its relative position in the outline numbered list.
wdNumberRelativeContext Insert heading or paragraph with as much of its relative position in the outline numbered list as necessary to identify the item.
wdOnlyCaptionText Insert only the caption text of the specified equation, figure, or table.
wdOnlyLabelAndNumber Insert only the label and number of the specified equation, figure, or table.
wdPageNumber Insert page number of specified item.
wdPosition Insert the word "Above" or the word "Below" as appropriate.


Used with the InsertCrossReference method of the Range or Selection object.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace