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Options.DefaultTextFlowDirection Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns or sets a PbDirectionType constant that represents a global Microsoft Office Publisher option, indicating whether text flows from left to right or from right to left in a publication. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a Options object.

Return Value


The DefaultTextFlowDirection property value can be one of the PbDirectionType constants declared in the Publisher type library.

This property generates an error if you are not running a bi-directional-enabled version of Publisher (for example, Arabic).


This example sets the default direction for new publications and text flow in a bi-directional-enabled version of Publisher.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub SetDefaultDirection()
    With Options
        .DefaultPubDirection = pbDirectionRightToLeft
        .DefaultTextFlowDirection = pbDirectionRightToLeft
    End With
End Sub

See Also