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InlineShapes Object

Publisher Developer Reference

Contains a collection of Shape Object objects, which represent objects in the drawing layer, where Shape.IsInline is True. The collection of shapes is limited to shapes within a given text range.


The InlineShapes collection is available only on the TextRange object. Using TextFrame.Story.TextRange.InlineShapes will return all inline shapes in a text frame, including those that are in overflow. Using TextFrame.TextRange.InlineShapes will return only visible inline shapes in a text frame, and not those that are in overflow.

The InlineShapes collection can also be accessed from Document.Stories(i).TextRange, where i is the index to the active page of the publication.

The InlineShapes collection is not available in the Page.Shapes collection, including its contained ShapeRange.


Use the InlineShapes Property property on the TextRange Object object to return an InlineShapes collection. The following example finds the first shape, a text box, on page one of the publication, and appends text to the end of the text range in the text box if there is more than one inline shape within the text range.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim theShape As Shape

Set theShape = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1)

With theShape.TextFrame.TextRange If .InlineShapes.Count > 1 Then .InsertAfter (" There is more than one inline shape in this text box.") End If End With

Use the InlineShapes(index) property to return a single inline shape. The following example finds the third inline shape within a text box and flips it vertically.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim theShape As Shape

Set theShape = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1)

With theShape.TextFrame.Story.TextRange With .InlineShapes(3) .Flip (msoFlipVertical) End With End With

Use the Range property to return a ShapeRange Collection object that contains all members of the InlineShapes collection. An array of indexes or strings or a single index or string can be passed as a parameter of the Range property to select particular shapes or a shape within the range. The following example sets a ShapeRange variable equal to the collection of inline shapes that exist within a text box. Each inline shape within the range is then modified in some way. This example assumes that the first shape on the page is a text box that contains three inline shapes.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim theRange As ShapeRange

Set theRange = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _ .TextFrame.Story.TextRange.InlineShapes.Range

With theRange .Item(1).Flip msoFlipVertical .Item(2).MoveOutOfTextFlow .Item(3).Delete End With

See Also