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TextStyles Object

Publisher Developer Reference

A collection of TextStyle objects that represent both the built-in and user-defined styles in a document.


Use the TextStyles property to return the TextStyles collection. The following example creates a table and lists all the styles in the active publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub ListTextStyles()
    Dim sty As TextStyle
    Dim tbl As Table
    Dim intRow As Integer
With ActiveDocument
    Set tbl = .Pages(1).Shapes.AddTable(NumRows:=.TextStyles.Count, _
        NumColumns:=2, Left:=72, Top:=72, Width:=488, Height:=12).Table
    For Each sty In .TextStyles
        intRow = intRow + 1
        With tbl.Rows(intRow)
            .Cells(1).text = sty.Name
            .Cells(2).text = sty.BaseStyle
        End With
    Next sty
End With

End Sub

Use the Add method to create a new user-defined style and add it to the TextStyles collection. The following example creates a new style and applies it to the paragraph at the cursor position.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub ApplyTextStyle()
    Dim styNew As TextStyle
    Dim fntStyle As Font
'Create a new style
Set styNew = ActiveDocument.TextStyles.Add(StyleName:="NewStyle")
Set fntStyle = styNew.Font

'Format the Font object
With fntStyle
    .Name = "Tahoma"
    .Size = 20
    .Bold = msoTrue
End With

'Apply the Font object formatting to the new style
styNew.Font = fntStyle

'Apply the new style to the selected paragraph
Selection.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.TextStyle = "NewStyle"

End Sub

See Also