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Page.IsLeading Property

Publisher Developer Reference

True if the specified Page object is a leading page of a two-page spread. Read-only Boolean.



expression   A variable that represents an Page object.

Return Value

The following example diplays for each page whether the page is a trailing or leading page in the publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim objPage As Page
Dim strPageInfo As String
For Each objPage In ActiveDocument.Pages
    strPageInfo = "Page number " & objPage.PageNumber
    If objPage.IsLeading Then
        strPageInfo = strPageInfo & " is a leading page." & Chr(13)
    ElseIf objPage.IsTrailing Then
        strPageInfo = strPageInfo & " is a trailing page." & Chr(13)
    End If
    MsgBox strPageInfo
Next objPage

See Also