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ShapeRange Property.ShapeRange Property

Publisher Developer ReferencePublisher Developer Reference

Returns a ShapeRange collection that represents all the Shape objects in the specified range or selection. The shape range can contain drawings, shapes, pictures, OLE objects, ActiveX controls, text objects, and callouts.



expression   A variable that represents a ShapeRange Property object.

Return Value


The following example sets the fill pattern for all the shapes in the selection. This example assumes one or more shapes are selected in the active publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub ChangeFillForShapeRange()
    Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Patterned Pattern:=msoPattern20Percent
End Sub

The following example applies shadow and fill formatting to all the shapes in the selection. This example assumes one or more shapes are selected in the active publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub SetShadowForSelectedShapes()
    With Selection.ShapeRange
        .Shadow.Type = msoShadow6
        .Fill.Patterned Pattern:=msoPatternDottedDiamond
    End With
End Sub

See Also