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View.Zoom Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns or sets a PbZoom constant or a value between 10 and 400 indicating the zoom setting of the specified view. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a View object.

Return Value


The Zoom property value can be one of the PbZoom constants declared in the Microsoft Office Publisher type library and shown in the following table.

Constant Description
pbZoomFitSelection Resizes the page view to the size of the current selection.
pbZoomPageWidth Resizes the page view to the width of the publication.
pbZoomWholePage Resizes the page view to the size of a whole page.


The following example sets the zoom for the active publication so that the entire page fits on the screen.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ActiveDocument.ActiveView.Zoom = pbZoomWholePage

See Also