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Shapes.AddOLEObject Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Adds a new Shape object representing an OLE object to the specified Shapes collection.


expression.AddOLEObject(Left, Top, Width, Height, ClassName, Filename, Link)

expression   A variable that represents a Shapes object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Left Required Variant The position of the left edge of the shape representing the OLE object.
Top Required Variant The position of the top edge of the shape representing the OLE object.
Width Optional Variant The width of the shape representing the OLE object. Default is -1, meaning that the width of the shape is automatically set based on the object's data.
Height Optional Variant The height of the shape representing the OLE object. Default is -1, meaning that the width of the shape is automatically set based on the object's data.
ClassName Optional String The class name of the OLE object to be added.
Filename Optional String The file name of the OLE object to be added. If the path is not specified, the current working folder is used.
Link Optional MsoTriState Determines whether the OLE object is linked to or embedded in the publication.

Return Value


For the Left, Top, Width, and Height arguments, numeric values are evaluated in points; strings can be in any units supported by Microsoft Office Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").

You must specify either a ClassName or FileName. If neither argument is specified, or if both are specified, an error occurs.

The Link parameter can be one of the MsoTriState constants declared in the Microsoft Office type library and shown in the following table.

Constant Description
msoFalse The OLE object is embedded.
msoTrue The OLE object is linked. The default.


The following example adds a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet to the first page of the active publication and activates the worksheet for editing.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim shpSheet As Shape

Set shpSheet = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddOLEObject _ (Left:=72, Top:=72, ClassName:="Excel.Sheet")


See Also