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Application.Open Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns a Document object that represents the newly opened publication.


expression.Open(Filename, ReadOnly, AddToRecentFiles, SaveChanges)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Filename Required String The name of the publication (paths are accepted).
ReadOnly Optional Boolean True to open the publication as read-only. Default is False.
AddToRecentFiles Optional Boolean True (default) to add the file name to the list of recently used files at the bottom of the File menu.
SaveChanges Optional PbSaveOptions Specifies what Microsoft Office Publisher should do if there is already an open publication with unsaved changes.
OpenConflictDocument Optional Boolean True to open the local conflict publication if there is an offline conflict. Default is False.

Return Value


Because Publisher has a single document interface, the Open method works only when you open a new instance of Publisher. The code sample below shows how to create a new, visible instance of Publisher. When finished with the second instance, you can set the application window's Visible property to False, but the process continues to run in the background, even though it is not visible. To close the second instance, you must set the object equal to Nothing.

The SaveChanges parameter can be one of the PbSaveOption constants declared in the Publisher type library and shown in the following table.

Constant Description
pbDoNotSaveChanges Close the open publication without saving any changes.
pbPromptToSaveChanges Prompt the user whether to save changes in the open publication. The default.
pbSaveChanges Save the open publication before closing it.


This example creates a second instance of Publisher and opens the specified publication as read-only.

For this example to work, you must replace PathToFile with the path to an existing publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub OpenNewPub()
    Dim appPub As New Publisher.Application
    appPub.Open FileName:="PathToFile", _
        ReadOnly:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
    appPub.ActiveWindow.Visible = True
End Sub

See Also