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ShapeRange.RerouteConnections Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Reroutes connectors so that they take the shortest possible path between the shapes they connect. To do this, the RerouteConnections method may detach the ends of a connector and reattach them to different connecting sites on the connected shapes.



expression   A variable that represents a ShapeRange object.

Return Value

This method reroutes all connectors attached to the specified shape; if the specified shape is a connector, it is rerouted.


This example adds two rectangles to the first page in the active publication and connects them with a curved connector. Note that the RerouteConnections method overrides the values you supply for the ConnectionSite arguments used with the BeginConnect and EndConnect methods.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim shpRect1 As Shape
Dim shpRect2 As Shape

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes

' Add two new rectangles.
Set shpRect1 = .AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _
    Left:=100, Top:=50, Width:=200, Height:=100)
Set shpRect2 = .AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _
    Left:=300, Top:=300, Width:=200, Height:=100)

' Add a new curved connector.
With .AddConnector(Type:=msoConnectorCurve, _
        BeginX:=0, BeginY:=0, EndX:=100, EndY:=100) _

    ' Connect the new connector to the two rectangles.
    .BeginConnect ConnectedShape:=shpRect1, ConnectionSite:=1
    .EndConnect ConnectedShape:=shpRect2, ConnectionSite:=1

    ' Reroute the connector to create the shortest path.
    .Parent.<strong class="bterm">RerouteConnections</strong>
End With

End With

See Also