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ShapeRange.IsInline Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns an MsoTriState constant that specifies whether a shape is inline. Read-only.



expression   A variable that represents a ShapeRange object.


This example tests the first shape (a text frame) on the first page of the publication to see if it is inline. If it is not, a search is done within that shape to find any inline shapes within the text frame. Any inline shapes that are found have the ForeColor property set to red.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim theShape As Shape
Dim i As Integer

Set theShape = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1)

If Not theShape.IsInline = True Then With theShape.TextFrame.Story.TextRange If .InlineShapes.Count > 0 Then For i = 1 To .InlineShapes.Count .InlineShapes(i).Select .InlineShapes(i).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Next End If End With End If

See Also