LineFormat Object Members
Publisher Developer Reference |
Represents line and arrowhead formatting. For a line, the LineFormat object contains formatting information for the line itself; for a shape with a border, this object contains formatting information for the shape's border.
Name | Description | |
Application | Used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the current instance of Publisher. Used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object. When used with an OLE Automation object, it returns the object's application. | |
BackColor | Returns or sets a ColorFormat object representing the background color for the specified fill or patterned line. | |
BeginArrowheadLength | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadLength constant indicating the length of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write. | |
BeginArrowheadStyle | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadStyle constant indicating the style of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write. | |
BeginArrowheadWidth | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadWidth constant indicating the width of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write. | |
DashStyle | Returns or sets an MsoLineDashStyle constant indicating the dash style for the specified line. Read/write. | |
EndArrowheadLength | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadLength indicating the length of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write. | |
EndArrowheadStyle | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadStyle constant indicating the style of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write. | |
EndArrowheadWidth | Returns or sets an MsoArrowheadWidth constant indicating the width of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write. | |
ForeColor | Returns or sets a ColorFormat object representing the foreground color for the fill, line, or shadow. Read/write. | |
InsetPen | Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant indicating whether a specified shape's lines are drawn inside its boundaries. Read/write. | |
Parent | Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. For example, for a TextFrame object, returns a Shape object representing the parent shape of the text frame. Read-only. | |
Pattern | Returns or sets an MsoPatternType constant that represents the pattern applied to the specified fill or line. | |
Style | Returns or sets an MsoLineStyle constant that represents the style of line to apply to a shape or border. Read/write. | |
Visible | Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant indicating whether the specified object or the formatting applied to the specified object is visible. Read/write.MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.msoCTrue Not used with this property.msoFalse The specified object or formatting is not visible.msoTriStateMixed Return value only. The specified shape range contains both objects with visible formatting and objects with invisible formatting.msoTriStateToggle Set value only. Toggles the specified object between visible and invisble.msoTrue The specified object or formatting is visible. | |
Weight | Returns or sets a Variant indicating the thickness of the specified line or cell border. |