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RulerGuides.Add Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Adds a new ruler guide to the specified RulerGuides collection.


expression.Add(Position, Type)

expression   A variable that represents a RulerGuides object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Position Required Variant The position relative to the left edge or top edge of the page where the new ruler guide will be added. Numeric values are evaluated in points; strings are evaluated in the units specified and can be in any measurement unit supported by Microsoft Office Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").
Type Required PbRulerGuideType The type of ruler guide to add.


Type can be one of these PbRulerGuideType constants.



The following example adds ruler guides to page one that are 0.5 inches from the left and top edges of the page.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).RulerGuides
    .Add Position:="0.5 in", Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeHorizontal
    .Add Position:="0.5 in", Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeVertical
End With

See Also