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ShapeNodes.Insert Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Inserts a new segment after the specified node of the freeform drawing.


expression.Insert(Index, SegmentType, EditingType, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3)

expression   A variable that represents a ShapeNodes object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Index Required Long The number of the node after which the new node is to be inserted.
SegmentType Required MsoSegmentType The type of segment to be added.
EditingType Required MsoEditingType Specifies the editing type of the new node.
X1 Required Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, this argument specifies the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new node is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the first control point for the new segment.
Y1 Required Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, this argument specifies the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new node is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the first control point for the new segment.
X2 Optional Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the second control point for the new segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, do not specify a value for this argument.
Y2 Optional Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the second control point for the new segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, do not specify a value for this argument.
X3 Optional Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the horizontal distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, do not specify a value for this argument.
Y3 Optional Variant If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingCorner, this argument specifies the vertical distance from the upper-left corner of the page to the endpoint of the new segment. If the EditingType of the new segment is msoEditingAuto, do not specify a value for this argument.


For the X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, and Y3 arguments, numeric values are evaluated in points; strings can be in any units supported by Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").

SegmentType can be one of these MsoSegmentType constants.



EditingType can be one of these MsoEditingType constants.


Adds a node type appropriate to the segments being connected.


Adds a corner node.


This example adds a smooth node with a curved segment after node four in the third shape in the active publication. The shape must be a freeform drawing with at least four nodes.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(3).Nodes
    .Insert Index:=4, _
        SegmentType:=msoSegmentCurve, _
        EditingType:=msoEditingAuto, _
        X1:=210, Y1:=100
End With

See Also