ParagraphFormat Object Members
Publisher Developer Reference |
Represents all the formatting for a paragraph.
Name | Description | |
Duplicate | Creates a duplicate of the specified ParagraphFormat object and then returns the new ParagraphFormat object. | |
Reset | Removes manual paragraph or text formatting from the specified object and leaves only the formatting specified by the current text style. | |
SetLineSpacing | Formats the line spacing of specified paragraphs. | |
SetListType | Sets the list type of the specified ParagraphFormat object. |
Name | Description | |
Alignment | Returns or sets a PbParagraphAlignmentType constant that represents the alignment for the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
Application | Used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the current instance of Publisher. Used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object. When used with an OLE Automation object, it returns the object's application. | |
AttachedToText | True if the Font or ParagraphFormat object is attached to a TextRange object. If the object is attached to a TextRange object, the document will be updated when properties of the object are changed. If the object is not attached, nothing in the document will be changed until the object is applied to a TextRange or Style object. Read-only Boolean. | |
CharBasedFirstLineIndent | Returns or sets the value of the first line indent (in East Asian character width). Read/write Long. | |
FirstLineIndent | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the amount of space (measured in points) to indent the first line in a paragraph. Read/write. | |
KashidaPercentage | Returns or sets a Long indicating the percentage by which kashidas are to be lengthened for the specified paragraphs. Valid values are from 0 to 100. Read/write. | |
KeepLinesTogether | Sets or returns an msoTriState that represents whether or not all lines in the specified paragraph will remain in the same text box. Read/write. | |
KeepWithNext | Sets or returns an msoTriState that represents whether or not the following paragraph will remain in the same text box as the specified paragraph. Read/write. | |
LeftIndent | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the left indent value (in points) for the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
LineSpacing | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the line spacing (in number of lines) for the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
LineSpacingRule | Returns or sets a PbLineSpacingRule that represents the line spacing for the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
ListBulletFontName | Sets or retrieves a String representing the list bullet font name from the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
ListBulletFontSize | Sets or retrieves a Single that represents the list bullet font size from the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
ListBulletText | Returns a String representing the list bullet text from the specified paragraphs. Read-only. | |
ListIndent | Returns or sets a Single that represents the list indent value (in points) for the specified ParagraphFormat object. Read/write. | |
ListNumberSeparator | Sets or retrieves a PbListNumberSeparator constant that represents the list separator of the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
ListNumberStart | Sets or retrieves a Long that represents the starting number of a list. Read/write. | |
ListType | Returns a pbListType constant from the specified ParagraphFormat object. Read-only. | |
LockToBaseLine | Returns an MsoTristate that represents whether or not text will be positioned along baseline guides. Read/write. | |
Parent | Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. For example, for a TextFrame object, returns a Shape object representing the parent shape of the text frame. Read-only. | |
RightIndent | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the right indent (in points) for the specified paragraphs. Read/write. | |
SpaceAfter | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the amount of spacing (in points) after one or more paragraphs. Read/write. | |
SpaceBefore | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the amount of spacing (in points) before one or more paragraphs. Read/write. | |
StartInNextTextBox | Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant that represents whether to always start the selected paragraph in the next linked text box. Read/write. | |
Tabs | Returns a TabStops object representing the custom and default tabs for a paragraph or group of paragraphs. | |
TextDirection | Returns or sets a PbTextDirection constant indicating the direction in which text flows in the specified paragraph. Read/write. | |
TextStyle | Returns or sets a Variant that represents the text style applied to a paragraph. Read/write. | |
UseCharBasedFirstLineIndent | Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant that specifies whether a paragraph is indented using East Asian character width. Read/write. | |
WidowControl | Sets or returns an MsoTriState that represents whether or not the first or last line of the specified paragraph can appear by itself in a text box. Read/write. |