SplineStart Element
Visio XML Reference |
Contains x- and y-coordinates for a spline's second control point, its second knot, its first knot, the last knot, and the degree of the spline. This information is contained in the X, Y, A, B, C, and D elements, respectively.
Optional int. The one-based index of the element within its parent element.
Optional boolean. A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
Element properties
Property | Value |
Name | SplineStart |
Minimum Occurrences | 0 |
Maximum Occurrences | Unbounded |
Element information
Parent elements
Child elements
In a DatadiagramML document, the definition of a spline in a Geom element contains a SplineStart element followed by one or more SplineKnot elements. The SplineStart element must be preceded by another kind of element, such as a MoveTo element, to indicate the first control point of the spline. The preceding element can be a LineTo, ArcTo, NURBSTo, PolylineTo or EllipticalArcTo element if the spline follows a segment of that type.
In any case, the first element in a Geom element (the element whose IX attribute is set to 1) must be a MoveTo, InfiniteLine, or Ellipse element.
The SplineStart element is relevant only when contained in a Shape element. It is ignored when contained in a DocumentSheet, PageSheet, or StyleSheet element.
See also
SplineStart row (Geometry section)