SharingItem Object Members
Outlook Developer Reference |
Represents a sharing message in an Inbox folder.
Name | Description | |
AddBusinessCard | Appends contact information based on the Electronic Business Card (EBC) associated with the specified ContactItem object to the SharingItem object. | |
Allow | Allows a sharing request and sends a sharing response to the sender of the SharingItem. | |
ClearConversationIndex | Clears the index of the conversation thread for the SharingItem. | |
ClearTaskFlag | Clears the SharingItem object as a task. | |
Close | Closes and optionally saves changes to the SharingItem. | |
Copy | Creates another instance of a SharingItem. | |
Delete | Deletes a SharingItem from the collection. | |
Deny | Denies a sharing request and sends a sharing response to the sender of the SharingItem. | |
Display | Displays a new Inspector object for the SharingItem. | |
Forward | Executes the Forward action for an item and returns the resulting copy as a SharingItem object. | |
MarkAsTask | Marks a SharingItem object as a task and assigns a task interval for the object. | |
Move | Moves a SharingItem to a new folder. | |
OpenSharedFolder | Opens a shared folder offered by a sharing invitation. | |
PrintOut | Prints the SharingItem using all default settings. | |
Reply | Creates a reply, pre-addressed to the original sender, from the original SharingItem. | |
ReplyAll | Creates a reply to all original recipients from the original SharingItem. | |
Save | Saves the SharingItem to the current folder or, if this is a new item, to the Outlook default folder for the item type. | |
SaveAs | Saves the SharingItem to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format (.msg) is used. | |
Send | Sends the SharingItem. | |
ShowCategoriesDialog | Displays the Show Categories dialog box, which allows you to select categories that correspond to the subject of the item. |
Name | Description | |
Actions | Returns an Actions collection that represents all the available actions for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
AllowWriteAccess | Returns or sets whether a sharing invitation should include write access to the folder. Read/write. | |
AlternateRecipientAllowed | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the item can be forwarded. Read/write. | |
Application | Returns an Application object that represents the parent Outlook application for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
Attachments | Returns an Attachments object that represents all the attachments for the specified SharingItem. Read-only. | |
AutoForwarded | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the item was automatically forwarded. Read/write. | |
BCC | Returns a String representing the display list of blind carbon copy (BCC) names for a SharingItem. Read/write. | |
BillingInformation | Returns or sets a String representing the billing information associated with the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Body | Returns or sets a String representing the clear-text body of the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
BodyFormat | Returns or sets an OlBodyFormat constant indicating the format of the body text. Read/write. | |
Categories | Returns or sets a String representing the categories assigned to the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
CC | Returns a String representing the display list of carbon copy (CC) names for a SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Class | Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Read-only. | |
Companies | Returns or sets a String representing the names of the companies associated with the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Conflicts | Return the Conflicts object that represents the items that are in conflict with the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ConversationIndex | Returns a String representing the index of the conversation thread of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ConversationTopic | Returns a String representing the topic of the conversation thread of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
CreationTime | Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
DeferredDeliveryTime | Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time the SharingItem is to be delivered. Read/write. | |
DeleteAfterSubmit | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if a copy of the item is not saved upon being sent, and False if a copy is saved. Read/write. | |
DownloadState | Returns a constant that belongs to the OlDownloadState enumeration indicating the download state of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
EntryID | Returns a String representing the unique Entry ID of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ExpiryTime | Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the SharingItem becomes invalid and can be deleted. Read/write. | |
FlagRequest | Returns or sets a String indicating the requested action for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
FormDescription | Returns the FormDescription object that represents the form description for the specified SharingItem. Read-only. | |
GetInspector | Returns an Inspector object that represents an inspector initialized to contain the specified SharingItem. Read-only. | |
HTMLBody | Returns or sets a String representing the HTML body of the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Importance | Returns or sets an OlImportance constant indicating the relative importance level for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
InternetCodepage | Returns or sets a Long that determines the Internet code page used by the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
IsConflict | Returns a Boolean that determines if the SharingItem is in conflict. Read-only. | |
IsMarkedAsTask | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the SharingItem is marked as a task. Read-only. | |
ItemProperties | Returns an ItemProperties collection that represents all standard and user-defined properties associated with the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
LastModificationTime | Returns a Date specifying the date and time that the SharingItem was last modified. Read-only. | |
MarkForDownload | Returns or sets an OlRemoteStatus constant that determines the status of an item once it is received by a remote user. Read/write. | |
MessageClass | Returns or sets a String representing the message class for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Mileage | Returns or sets a String representing the mileage for a SharingItem. Read/write. | |
NoAging | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True to not age the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested | Returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the originator of the SharingItem will receive a delivery report. Read/write. | |
OutlookInternalVersion | Returns a Long representing the build number of the Outlook application for a SharingItem. Read-only. | |
OutlookVersion | Returns a String indicating the major and minor version number of the Outlook application for a SharingItem. Read-only. | |
Parent | Returns the parent Object of the specified SharingItem. Read-only. | |
Permission | Sets or returns an OlPermission constant that determines the permissions the recipients will have on the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
PermissionService | Sets or returns an OlPermissionService constant that determines the permission service that will be used when sending a SharingItem protected by Information Rights Management (IRM). Read/write. | |
PropertyAccessor | Returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent SharingItem object. Read-only. | |
ReadReceiptRequested | Returns a Boolean value that indicates true if a read receipt has been requested by the sender. | |
ReceivedByEntryID | Returns a String representing the EntryID for the true recipient as set by the transport provider delivering the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReceivedByName | Returns a String representing the display name of the true recipient for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReceivedOnBehalfOfEntryID | Returns a String representing the EntryID of the user delegated to represent the recipient for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReceivedOnBehalfOfName | Returns a String representing the display name of the user delegated to represent the recipient for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReceivedTime | Returns a Date indicating the date and time at which the SharingItem was received. Read-only. | |
RecipientReassignmentProhibited | Returns a Boolean that indicates true if the recipient cannot forward the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Recipients | Returns a Recipients collection that represents all the recipients for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReminderOverrideDefault | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the reminder overrides the default reminder behavior for the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
ReminderPlaySound | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the reminder should play a sound when it occurs for the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
ReminderSet | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is true if a reminder has been set for the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
ReminderSoundFile | Returns or sets a String indicating the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the Outlook item. Read/write. | |
ReminderTime | Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the reminder should occur for the specified SharingItem. Read/write. | |
RemoteID | Returns a String that represents the unique identifier of the sharing context for a SharingItem object. Read-only. | |
RemoteName | Returns a String that represents the name of the sharing context for a SharingItem object. Read-only. | |
RemotePath | Returns a String that represents the path of the sharing context for a SharingItem object. Read-only. | |
RemoteStatus | Returns or sets an OlRemoteStatus constant specifying the remote status of the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
ReplyRecipientNames | Returns a semicolon-delimited String list of reply recipients for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
ReplyRecipients | Returns a Recipients collection that represents all the reply recipient objects for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
RequestedFolder | Returns an OlDefaultFolders constant that represents the type of default folder to which access is requested by a sharing request. Read-only. | |
Saved | Returns a Boolean value that is true if the SharingItem has not been modified since the last save. Read-only. | |
SaveSentMessageFolder | Returns or sets a Folder object that represents the folder in which a copy of the SharingItem will be saved after being sent. Read/write. | |
SenderEmailAddress | Returns a String that represents the e-mail address of the sender of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
SenderEmailType | Returns a String that represents the type of entry for the e-mail address of the sender of the SharingItem, such as 'SMTP' for Internet address, 'EX' for a Microsoft Exchange server address, and so on. Read-only. | |
SenderName | Returns a String indicating the display name of the sender for the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
SendUsingAccount | Returns or sets an Account object that represents the account under which the SharingItem is to be sent. Read/write. | |
Sensitivity | Returns or sets an OlSensitivity constant indicating the sensitivity for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Sent | Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the SharingItem has been sent. Read-only. | |
SentOn | Returns a Date indicating the date and time on which the SharingItem was sent. Read-only. | |
SentOnBehalfOfName | Returns or sets a String indicating the display name for the intended sender of the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Session | Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only. | |
SharingProvider | Returns an OlSharingProvider constant that indicates the sharing provider used by the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
SharingProviderGuid | Returns a String that represents the GUID of the sharing provider used by the SharingItem object. Read-only. | |
Size | Returns a Long indicating the size (in bytes) of the SharingItem. Read-only. | |
Subject | Returns or sets a String indicating the subject for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Submitted | Returns a Boolean value that is True if the SharingItem has been submitted. Read-only. | |
TaskCompletedDate | Returns or sets a Date value that represents the completion date of the task for this SharingItem. Read/write. | |
TaskDueDate | Returns or sets a Date value that represents the due date of the task for this SharingItem. Read/write. | |
TaskStartDate | Returns or sets a Date value that represents the start date of the task for this SharingItem object. Read/write. | |
TaskSubject | Returns or sets a String value that represents the subject of the task for the SharingItem object. Read/write. | |
To | Returns or sets a semicolon-delimited String list of display names for the To recipients for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
ToDoTaskOrdinal | Returns or sets a Date value that represents the ordinal value of the task for the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
Type | Returns or sets an OlSharingMsgType constant that indicates the type of sharing message represented by the SharingItem. Read/write. | |
UnRead | Returns or sets a Boolean value that is True if the SharingItem has not been opened (read). Read/write. | |
UserProperties | Returns the UserProperties collection that represents all the user properties for the SharingItem. Read-only. |
Name | Description | |
AttachmentAdd | Occurs when an attachment has been added to an instance of the parent object. | |
AttachmentRead | Occurs when an attachment in an instance of the parent object has been opened for reading. | |
AttachmentRemove | Occurs when an attachment has been removed from an instance of the parent object. | |
BeforeAttachmentAdd | Occurs before an attachment is added to an instance of the parent object. | |
BeforeAttachmentPreview | Occurs before an attachment associated with an instance of the parent object is previewed. | |
BeforeAttachmentRead | Occurs before an attachment associated with an instance of the parent object is read. | |
BeforeAttachmentSave | Occurs before an attachment associated with an instance of the parent object is read. | |
BeforeAttachmentWriteToTempFile | Occurs before an attachment associated with an instance of the parent object is written to a temporary file. | |
BeforeAutoSave | Occurs before the SharingItem is automatically saved by Outlook. | |
BeforeCheckNames | Occurs just before Microsoft Outlook starts resolving names in the recipient collection for an item (which is an instance of the parent object). | |
BeforeDelete | Occurs before an item (which is an instance of the parent object) is deleted. | |
Close | Occurs when the inspector associated with an item (which is an instance of the parent object) is being closed. | |
CustomAction | Occurs when a custom action of an item (which is an instance of the parent object) executes. | |
CustomPropertyChange | Occurs when a custom property of an item (which is an instance of the parent object) is changed. | |
Forward | Occurs when the user selects the Forward action for an item, or when the Forward method is called for the item, which is an instance of the parent object. | |
Open | Occurs when an instance of the parent object is being opened in an Inspector. | |
PropertyChange | Occurs when an explicit built-in property (for example, Subject) of an instance of the parent object is changed. | |
Read | Occurs when an instance of the parent object is opened for editing by the user. | |
Reply | Occurs when the user selects the Reply action for an item, or when the Reply method is called for the item, which is an instance of the parent object. | |
ReplyAll | Occurs when the user selects the ReplyAll action for an item, or when the ReplyAll method is called for the item, which is an instance of the parent object. | |
Send | Occurs when the user selects the Send action for an item, or when the Send method is called for the item, which is an instance of the parent object. | |
Unload | Occurs before an Outlook item is unloaded from memory, either programmatically or by user action. | |
Write | Occurs when an instance of the parent object is saved, either explicitly (for example, using the Save or SaveAs methods) or implicitly (for example, in response to a prompt when closing the item's inspector). |