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ODBCConnection.SaveAsODC Method

Excel Developer Reference

Saves the ODBC connection as a Microsoft Office Data Connection file.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Excel 2007


expression.SaveAsODC(ODCFileName, Description, Keywords)

expression   A variable that represents an ODBCConnection object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
ODCFileName Required String Location to save the file.
Description Optional Variant Description that will be saved in the file.
Keywords Optional Variant Space-separated keywords that can be used to search for this file.

Return Value


The following example saves the connection as an ODC file titled "ODCFile". This example assumes an ODBC connection exists on the active worksheet.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub UseSaveAsODC()
Application.ActiveWorkbook.ODBCConnection.SaveAsODC ("ODCFile")

End Sub

See Also