Resource Object Members
Project Developer Reference |
A Resource object represents a work, material, or cost resource. The Resource object is a member of the Resources collection.
Name | Description | |
AppendNotes | Appends new text to the Notes field. | |
Delete | Deletes an object from its containing collection. | |
EnterpriseTeamMember | Returns whether the specified resource belongs to the project. True if the resource is a member of the specified project's team or False if the resource is not a member of the specified project's team. | |
GetField | Returns the value in a field. If the selected field is an estimated duration, the returned value will also include the estimated character. | |
Level | Levels a resource. | |
SetField | Sets the value in a field for the selected Resource. | |
TimeScaleData | The description for this item will appear in the final release of Office 2007. |
Name | Description | |
AccrueAt | Returns or sets when a task accrues the cost of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
ActualCost | Returns the actual cost for an assignment, resource, or task. Read-only Variant. | |
ActualOvertimeCost | Returns the actual overtime cost for a resource. Read-only Variant. | |
ActualOvertimeWork | Returns the actual overtime work (in minutes) for a resource. Read-only Variant. | |
ActualOvertimeWorkProtected | Returns or sets the protected actual overtime work (in minutes) for a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
ActualWork | Returns or sets the actual work (in minutes) for a Resource object. Read-only Variant. | |
ActualWorkProtected | Returns or sets the protected actual work (in minutes) for a Resource object. Read/write Variant. | |
ACWP | Returns the ACWP for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Application | Returns an Application object. Read-only Object. | |
Assignments | Returns an Assignments collection representing the assignments for a Resource. Read-only Object. | |
Availabilities | Returns an Availabilities collection representing all the lines for the specified resource from the Resource Availability grid. Read-only Object. | |
AvailableFrom | Returns the earliest date a resource is available for work on the project, as specified in the current row of the Resource Availability grid for the resource. The current row is the row in which the date range specified by the Available From and Available To columns includes the current date. Read/write Variant. | |
AvailableTo | Returns the latest date a resource is available for work on the project, as specified in the current row of the Resource Availability grid for the resource. The current row is the row in which the date range specified by the Available From and Available To columns includes the current date. Read/write Variant. | |
BaseCalendar | Returns or sets the base calendar for a resource calendar. Read/write String. | |
Baseline10BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline10 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline10BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline10 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline10Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline10Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline1BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline1 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline1BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline1 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline1Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline1Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline2BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline2 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline2BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline2 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline2Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline2Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline3BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline3 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline3BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline3 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline3Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline3Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline4BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline4 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline4BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline4 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline4Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline4Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline5BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline5 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline5BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline5 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline5Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline5Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline6BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline6 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline6BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline6 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline6Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline6Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline7BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline7 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline7BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline7 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline7Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline7Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline8BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline8 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline8BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline8 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline8Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline8Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline9BudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline9 budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline9BudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline9 budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline9Cost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Baseline9Work | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BaselineBudgetCost | Returns or sets the baseline budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BaselineBudgetWork | Returns or sets the baseline budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BaselineCost | Returns or sets the baseline cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BaselineWork | Returns or sets the baseline work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BCWP | Returns the BCWP for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
BCWS | Returns the BCWS for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
BookingType | Returns or sets the booking type for a resource. Can be one of the following PjBookingTypes constants: pjBookingTypeCommitted or pjBookingTypeProposed. Read/write Long. | |
Budget | Flag indicating whether the specified Resource is a budget resource. This flag can be set when initially creating a resource, but the flag cannot be changed after the resource has been created. Read/write Boolean. | |
BudgetCost | Returns or sets the budget cost for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
BudgetWork | Returns or sets the budget work (in hours) for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Calendar | Returns a Calendar object representing a calendar for a Resource. Read-only Object. | |
CalendarGuid | Returns the class identifier of the calendar. Read-only. | |
CanLevel | True if the resource may be leveled. Read/write Variant. | |
Code | Returns or sets the code of a resource. Read/write String. | |
Confirmed | Returns the results of task assignments in a 1st_Project12 mail message. True if the resource has accepted all of his or her assignments. Read-only Boolean. | |
Cost | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost1 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost10 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost2 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost3 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost4 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost5 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost6 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost7 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost8 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Cost9 | Returns the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
CostCenter | Sets or gets the identifier for the unit or organization that tracks costs for the resource. Read/write String. | |
CostPerUse | Returns or sets the cost per use of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
CostRateTables | Returns a CostRateTables collection representing the cost rate tables for the resource. Read-only Variant. | |
CostVariance | Returns the variance between the baseline cost and the cost of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Created | Returns the date a Resource was created. Read-only Variant. | |
CV | Returns the cost variance for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Date1 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date10 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date2 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date3 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date4 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date5 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date6 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date7 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date8 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Date9 | Returns or sets the value in an additional date field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
DefaultAssignmentOwner | Sets or gets the user name responsible for providing progress updates for assignments made to the resource. Read/write String. | |
Duration1 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration10 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration2 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration3 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration4 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration5 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration6 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration7 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration8 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Duration9 | Returns or sets the value of an additional duration field for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
EMailAddress | Returns or sets the electronic mail address of a resource. Read/write String. | |
Enterprise | Returns the name of an enterprise resource. Read-only Variant. | |
EnterpriseBaseCalendar | Returns the name of the enterprise base calendar for a specified resource. Read-only Variant. | |
EnterpriseCheckedOutBy | Returns a string representing a user who last checked out an enterprise resource. Read-only String. | |
EnterpriseGeneric | True if a specified resource is a generic resource. False if a resource is actual. Read/write Boolean. | |
EnterpriseInactive | True if a specified enterprise resource is inactivated. Read/write Boolean. | |
EnterpriseIsCheckedOut | True if a specified enterprise resource is checked out from the resource pool. Read-only Boolean. | |
EnterpriseLastModifiedDate | Returns the date and time when the project was last checked out. Read-only Variant. | |
EnterpriseNameUsed | Returns the name of the enterprise file. Read-only Variant. | |
EnterpriseRequiredValues | Returns the required values for an enterprise resource. Read-only Variant. | |
EnterpriseUniqueID | Returns the enterprise unique ID for a resource. Read-only Long. | |
ErrorMessage | Errors reported by the UpdateResources Project Server Interface and by any local checks. Read/write String. | |
Finish1 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish10 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish2 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish3 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish4 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish5 | Returns or sets the finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish6 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish7 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish8 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Finish9 | Returns or sets an additional finish date of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Flag1 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag10 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag11 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag12 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag13 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag14 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag15 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag16 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag17 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag18 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag19 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag2 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag20 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag3 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag4 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag5 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag6 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag7 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag8 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Flag9 | True if the flag associated with a Resource is set. Read/write Boolean. | |
Group | Returns or sets the group to which a resource belongs. Read/write String. | |
GroupBySummary | Returns True if the selected item in a Resource view is a GroupBySummary task. Read-only Boolean. | |
Guid | Returns the class identifier of the object. Read-only. | |
Hyperlink | Returns or sets a friendly name representing a hyperlink address. The name may also be a URL or UNC path. Read/write String. | |
HyperlinkAddress | Returns or sets the URL or UNC path of a document. Read/write String. | |
HyperlinkHREF | Returns or sets a combination of the hyperlink address and subaddress, separated by a "#". Read/write String. | |
HyperlinkScreenTip | Returns or sets a ScreenTip for the hyperlink. Read/write String. | |
HyperlinkSubAddress | Returns or sets the address of a location within the target document. Read/write String. | |
ID | Returns the local identification number of a resource. Read-only Long. | |
Import | True if the wizard imports the Resource. Read/write Boolean. | |
Index | Returns the index of an object in its containing collection. Read-only Long. | |
Initials | Returns or sets the initials of a resource. Read/write String. | |
IsTeam | True if the resource is a team assignment pool. Read/write Boolean. | |
LinkedFields | True if the Resource contains fields that are linked to other applications through OLE. Read-only Boolean. | |
MaterialLabel | Returns or sets the label for a material resource. Read/write String. | |
MaxUnits | Sets or returns the maximum number of units of a resource, as specified in the current row of the Resource Availability grid for the resource. The current row is that where the date range between the Available From and Available To columns includes the current date. Read/write Variant. | |
Name | Returns the name of a Resource object. Read/write String. | |
Notes | Returns or sets the notes for a resource. Read/write String. | |
Number1 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number10 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number11 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number12 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number13 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number14 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number15 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number16 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number17 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number18 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number19 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number2 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number20 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number3 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number4 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number5 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number6 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number7 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number8 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Number9 | Returns or sets a number associated with a Resource. Read/write Double. | |
Objects | Returns the number of OLE objects contained within a Resource. Any objects inserted in the Notes field of a Resource are not included in the count. Read-only Long. | |
OutlineCode1 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode10 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode2 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode3 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode4 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode5 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode6 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode7 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode8 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
OutlineCode9 | Returns or sets the value of the outline code custom field for a resource. Read/write String. | |
Overallocated | True if a resource is overallocated. Read-only Boolean. | |
OvertimeCost | Returns the overtime cost for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
OvertimeRate | Returns or sets the overtime rate of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
OvertimeWork | Returns the overtime work. Read-only Variant | |
Parent | Returns the parent of the object. Read-only Object. | |
PayRates | Returns a PayRates collection that represents the various pay rates on a resource's cost rate table. Read-only Object. | |
PeakUnits | Returns the largest number of units of a resource used at one time. Read-only Variant. | |
PercentWorkComplete | Returns or sets the percentage of work complete for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Phonetics | Returns or sets the phonetic representation of a resource name. The Phonetics property only produces tangible results if the Japanese version of 1st_Project12 is used. Read/write String. | |
Project | Returns the name of the project containing the Resource. Read-only String. | |
RegularWork | Returns the amount of regular work for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
RemainingCost | Returns the remaining cost for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
RemainingOvertimeCost | Returns the remaining overtime cost for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
RemainingOvertimeWork | Returns the remaining overtime work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
RemainingWork | Returns or sets the remaining work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
ResponsePending | True if the resource has not responded to at least one TeamAssign message. Read-only Boolean. | |
StandardRate | Returns or sets the standard rate of a resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start1 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start10 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start2 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start3 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start4 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start5 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start6 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start7 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start8 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
Start9 | Returns or sets an additional start date for a Resource. Read/write Variant. | |
SV | Returns the SV of a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
TeamStatusPending | True if the resource has not responded to at least one progress request message. Read-only Boolean. | |
Text1 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text10 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text11 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text12 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text13 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text14 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text15 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text16 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text17 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text18 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text19 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text2 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text20 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text21 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text22 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text23 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text24 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text25 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text26 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text27 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text28 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text29 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text3 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text30 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text4 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text5 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text6 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text7 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text8 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Text9 | Returns or sets text associated with a Resource. Read/write String. | |
Type | Returns or sets the resource type of a resource. Can be one of the following PjResourceTypes constants: pjResourceTypeWork or pjResourceTypeMaterial. Read/write Long. | |
UniqueID | Returns the unique identification number of a Resource. Read-only Long. | |
UpdateNeeded | True if at least one task to which the resource is assigned has updates that the resource needs to receive. Read-only Boolean. | |
VAC | Returns the VAC for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
WindowsUserAccount | Returns or sets the resource's security identifier for Microsoft Windows NT Authentication. The identifier is in the format of "\Domain name\User name", where Domain name is the name of the user's Windows domain and User name is the user's logon name. Read/write String. | |
Work | Returns or sets the work (in minutes) for a Resource. Read-only Variant. | |
Workgroup | Returns or sets how workgroup messages will be sent to the resource. Can be one of the following PjWorkgroupMessages constants: pjNoWorkgroupMessages, pjWorkgroupViaEmail, pjWorkgroupViaEmailAndWeb, pjWorkgroupViaWeb, or pjDefaultMessages. Read/write Long. | |
WorkVariance | Returns the variance between the baseline work and the work for a Resource. Read-only Variant. |