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FormRegion.SetControlItemProperty Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Binds an explicit built-in property or a custom property to a control in the form region.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007


expression.SetControlItemProperty(Control, PropertyName)

expression   A variable that represents a FormRegion object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Control Required Object A control in the form region to which the property PropertyName will be bound.
PropertyName Required String The name of the property that will be bound to the control.


You can use this method to bind an explicit built-in property or a custom property to a control. You must reference the property by its string name, for example, Subject, and not by namespace, for example,

Other than using the SetControlItemProperty method of a FormRegion object, you can also use code similar to the following to bind a property such as the Subject property to a control:

  myPage.Controls("bar").ItemProperty = "subject"

See Also