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OlMarkInterval Enumeration

Outlook Developer Reference

Specifies the time period for which an Outlook item is marked as a task.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007

Name Value Description
olMarkNoDate 4 Mark the task due with no date.
olMarkNextWeek 3 Mark the task due next week.
olMarkThisWeek 2 Mark the task due this week.
olMarkToday 0 Mark the task due today.
olMarkTomorrow 1 Mark the task due tomorrow.


This enumeration is used by the MarkAsTask method for the following Outlook items:

Depending on the value chosen, the following properties are set to the specified default values.

Enumeration value Property values
olMarkNoDate IsMarkedAsTask is set to True.

TaskSubject is set to the value of the Subject property for the Outlook item.

TaskStartDate, TaskDueDate, and TaskCompletedDate are set to Null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

ToDoTaskOrdinal is set to the current date and time (Now in Visual Basic).

olMarkNextWeek IsMarkedAsTask is set to True.

TaskSubject is set to the value of the Subject property for the Outlook item.

TaskStartDate is set to the first working day of next week.

TaskDueDate is set to the last working day of next week.

TaskCompletedDate is set to Null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

ToDoTaskOrdinal is set to the current date and time (Now in Visual Basic).

olMarkThisWeek IsMarkedAsTask is set to True.

TaskSubject is set to the value of the Subject property for the Outlook item.

TaskStartDate is set to a date two working days ahead of the current date. If that value would exceed the value of TaskDueDate, then TaskStartDate is set to the value of TaskDueDate.

TaskDueDate is set to the last working day of the current week.

TaskCompletedDate is set to Null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

ToDoTaskOrdinal is set to the current date and time (Now in Visual Basic).

olMarkToday IsMarkedAsTask is set to True.

TaskSubject is set to the value of the Subject property for the Outlook item.

TaskStartDate and TaskDueDate are set to the current date.

TaskCompletedDate is set to Null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

ToDoTaskOrdinal is set to the current date and time (Now in Visual Basic).

olMarkTomorrow IsMarkedAsTask is set to True.

TaskSubject is set to the value of the Subject property for the Outlook item.

TaskStartDate and TaskDueDate are set to one day after the current date.

TaskCompletedDate is set to Null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

ToDoTaskOrdinal is set to the current date and time (Now in Visual Basic).