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Application.MailLogon Method

Project Developer Reference

Logs on to a MAPI mail system and establishes a mail session. A mail session must be established before mail or document routing methods can be used.


expression.MailLogon(Name, Password, DownloadNewMail)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Name Optional String The mail account name.
Password Optional String The mail account password.
DownloadNewMail Optional Boolean True if new mail is downloaded immediately.


Previously established mail sessions are logged off before an attempt is made to establish the new session. Omit both




to use the default mail session for the system.

The following example logs on to the mail system and downloads any new mail.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub SessionLogon()
If IsNull(MailSession) Then
    Application.<strong class="bterm">MailLogon</strong> "oscarx", "mypassword", True
End If

End Sub

See Also