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Worksheet.XmlMapQuery Method

Excel Developer Reference

Returns a Range object that represents the cells mapped to a particular XPath. Returns Nothing if the specified XPath has not been mapped to the worksheet.


expression.XmlMapQuery(XPath, SelectionNamespaces, Map)

expression   A variable that represents a Worksheet object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
XPath Required String The XPath to query for.
SelectionNamespaces Optional Variant A space-delimited String that contains the namespaces referenced in the XPath parameter. A run-time error will be generated if one of the specified namespaces cannot be resolved.
Map Optional Variant Specify an XML map if you want to query for the XPath within a specific map.

Return Value


Unlike the XmlDataQuery method, the XmlMapQuery method returns the entire column of an XML list, including the header row.

Bb210056.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
XmlMapQuery allows developers to query for the existence of particular maps. It can not be used to query for a piece of data in a map. For example, it is valid for a mapped range to exist in which the XPath for that range is "/root/People[@Age="23"]/FirstName". An XmlMapQuery call for this XPath will returnreturns the correct range. However, a query for "/root/People[FirstName="Joe"]" expecting to find "Joe" within the above mapped range will fail because the XPath definitions for the mapped ranges are different.

See Also