MailItem.Read Event

Outlook Developer Reference

Occurs when an instance of the parent object is opened for editing by the user.



expression   A variable that represents a MailItem object.


The Read event differs from the Open event in that Read occurs whenever the user selects the item in a view that supports in-cell editing as well as when the item is being opened in an Inspector.


This Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example uses the Read event to increment a counter that tracks how often an item is read.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem

Sub Initialize_handler() Set myItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items(1) myItem.Display End Sub

Sub myItem_Read() Dim myProperty As Outlook.UserProperty Set myProperty = myItem.UserProperties("ReadCount") If (myProperty Is Nothing) Then Set myProperty = myItem.UserProperties.Add("ReadCount", olNumber) End If myProperty.Value = myProperty.Value + 2 myItem.Save End Sub

See Also