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CommandButton.Enabled Property

Outlook Forms Script Reference

Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a CommandButton object.


True is the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events, and is accessible through code (default). False if the user cannot interact with the control by using the mouse, keystrokes, accelerators, or hotkeys. The control is generally still accessible through code.

Use the Enabled property to enable and disable controls. A disabled control appears dimmed, while an enabled control does not. Also, if a control displays a bitmap, the bitmap is dimmed whenever the control is dimmed.

The Enabled and Locked properties work together to achieve the following effects:

  • If Enabled and Locked are both True, the control can receive focus and appears normally (not dimmed) in the form. The user can copy, but not edit, data in the control.
  • If Enabled is True and Locked is False, the control can receive focus and appears normally in the form. The user can copy and edit data in the control.
  • If Enabled is False and Locked is True, the control cannot receive focus and is dimmed in the form. The user can neither copy nor edit data in the control.
  • If Enabled and Locked are both False, the control cannot receive focus and is dimmed in the form. The user can neither copy nor edit data in the control.

You can combine the settings of the Enabled and the TabStop properties to prevent the user from selecting a CommandButton with TAB, while still allowing the user to click the button. Setting TabStop to False means that the CommandButton won't appear in the tab order. However, if Enabled is True, then the user can still click the command button, as long as TakeFocusOnClick is set to True.

See Also