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WeekDay.Count Property

Project Developer Reference

Returns the number of items in the WeekDay object. Read-only Integer.



expression   A variable that represents a WeekDay object.

Return Value

The following example prompts the user for the name of a resource and then assigns that resource to tasks without any resources.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub AssignResource()
Dim T As Task            ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim R    As Resource        ' Resource object used in For Each loop
Dim Rname As String    ' Resource name
Dim RID As Long        ' Resource ID

RID = 0
RName = InputBox$("Enter the name of a resource: ")

For Each R in ActiveProject.Resources
    If R.Name = RName Then
        RID = R.ID
        Exit For
    End If
Next R

If RID <> 0 Then
    ' Assign the resource to tasks without any resources.
    For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
        If T.Assignments.<strong class="bterm">Count</strong> = 0 Then
            T.Assignments.Add ResourceID:=RID
        End If
    Next T
    MsgBox Prompt:=RName &amp; " is not a resource in this project.", buttons:=vbExclamation
End If

End Sub

See Also