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Hyperlink.SubAddress Property

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Returns or sets the location within a document — such as a bookmark in a word document, a range in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, or a slide in a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation — associated with the specified hyperlink. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a Hyperlink object.

Return Value


This example sets shape one on slide one in the active presentation to jump to the slide named "Last Quarter" in Latest Figures.ppt when the shape is clicked during a slide show.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1) _
    .Action = ppActionHyperlink
    With .Hyperlink
        .Address = "c:\sales\latest figures.ppt"
        .SubAddress = "last quarter"
    End With
End With

This example sets shape one on slide one in the active presentation to jump to range A1:B10 in Latest.xls when the shape is clicked during a slide show.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1) _
    .Action = ppActionHyperlink
    With .Hyperlink
        .Address = "c:\sales\latest.xls"
        .SubAddress = "A1:B10"
    End With
End With

See Also