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View.ZoomToFit Property

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Determines whether the view is zoomed to fit the dimensions of the document window every time the document window is resized. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a View object.

Return Value


This property applies only to slide view, notes page view, or master view.

When the value of the Zoom property is explicitly set, the value of the ZoomToFit property is automatically set to msoFalse.

The value of the ZoomToFit property can be one of these MsoTriState constants.

Constant Description
msoFalse The view is not zoomed to fit the dimensions of the document window every time the document window is resized.
msoTrue The view is zoomed to fit the dimensions of the document window every time the document window is resized.


The following example sets the view in document window one to slide view, with the zoom automatically set to fit the dimensions of the window.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With Windows(1)
    .ViewType = ppViewSlide
    .View.ZoomToFit = msoTrue
End With

See Also