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DefaultWebOptions.IncludeNavigation Property

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Sets the global default for whether the link bar for Web presentations is visible in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a DefaultWebOptions object.

Return Value


You can override the global setting for an individual presentation by setting the WebOptions.IncludeNavigation property for that presentation.

The value of the IncludeNavigation property can be one of these MsoTriState constants.

Constant Description
msoFalse The navigation bar for Web presentations is not visible, which enlarges the slide.
msoTrue The default. The navigation bar for Web presentations is visible at the bottom of the page.


This example specifies that the link bar is not to be included in the a Web presentation by default.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Application.DefaultWebOptions.IncludeNavigation = msoFalse

See Also