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DefaultWebOptions.RelyOnVML Property

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Determines the global default setting for whether image files are generated from drawing objects when you save or publish a complete or partial presentation as a Web page. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a DefaultWebOptions object.

Return Value


You can override the global setting for an individual presentation by setting the WebOptions.RelyOnVML property for that presentation.

The value of the RelyOnVML property can be one of these MsoTriState constants.

Constant Description
msoFalse Images are not generated from drawing objects when you save or publish a complete or partial presentation as a Web page.
msoTrue Image files are generated from drawing objects when you save or publish a complete or partial presentation as a Web page.

If your Web browser supports Vector Markup Language (VML), you can reduce file sizes by not generating images for drawing objects. For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and higher support this feature, and you should set the RelyOnVML property to msoTrue if you are targeting this browser. For browsers that do not support VML, the image will not appear when you view a Web page saved with this property set to msoTrue.

For example, you should not generate images if your Web page uses image files that you have generated earlier and if the location where you save the presentation is different from the final location of the page on the Web server.


This example specifies that, by default, image files are not generated when saving or publishing the active presentation to a Web page.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Application.DefaultWebOptions.RelyOnVML = msoFalse

See Also