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Comment.Next Method

Excel Developer Reference

Returns a Comment object that represents the next comment.



expression   An expression that returns a Comment object.

Return Value


This method works only on one sheet. Using this method on the last comment on a sheet returns Null (not the next comment on the next sheet).


This example shows every second comment, navigating with the next method.

Bb242024.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
Please test in a new workbook with no existing comments. To clear all comments from a workbook use Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments).delete in the Immediate Pane.
Visual Basic for Applications
  'Sets up the comments
For xNum = 1 To 10
    Range("A" & xNum).AddComment
    Range("A" & xNum).Comment.Text Text:="Comment " & xNum

MsgBox "Comments created... A1:A10"

'Deletes every second comment in the A1:A10 range For yNum = 1 To 10 Step 2 Range("A" & yNum).Comment.Next.Shape.Select True Selection.Delete Next

MsgBox "Deleted every second comment"

See Also