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LockTypeEnum Enumeration

Access Developer Reference

Specifies the type of record locking used when opening a recordset.

Name Value Description
dbOptimistic 3 Optimistic concurrency based on record ID. Cursor compares record ID in old and new records to determine if changes have been made since the record was last accessed.
dbOptimisticBatch 5 Enables batch optimistic updates (ODBCDirect workspaces only).
dbOptimisticValue 1 Optimistic concurrency based on record values. Cursor compares data values in old and new records to determine if changes have been made since the record was last accessed (ODBCDirect workspaces only).
Bb242663.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
ODBCDirect workspaces are not supported in Microsoft Office Access 2007. Use ADO if you want to access external data sources without using the Microsoft Access database engine.
Bb242663.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
ODBCDirect workspaces are not supported in Microsoft Office Access 2007. Use ADO if you want to access external data sources without using the Microsoft Access database engine.
dbPessimistic 2 Pessimistic concurrency. Cursor uses the lowest level of locking sufficient to ensure that the record can be updated.