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Window.Type Property

InfoPath Developer Reference

A read-only property that returns a long integer value that indicates the type of window that is represented by the Window object. The value returned is based on the XdWindowType enumeration. Read-only

Version Information
 Version Added:  InfoPath 2003



expression   An expression that returns a Window object.

Return Value


The Window objects represent the two types of windows that are used in the InfoPath application: the editing window that is used as the form area when a user fills out a form, and the designing window that is used as the design mode when a user designs a form.

Security Level 0: Can be accessed without restrictions.


In the following example, the Type property of the Window object is used to determine the type of window that is the currently active window:

  if (Application.ActiveWindow.Type == 0)
   XDocument.UI.Alert("The active window is an editing window.");
   XDocument.UI.Alert("The active window is a designing window.");

See Also