AnimationSettings Object Members
PowerPoint Developer Reference |
Represents the special effects applied to the animation for the specified shape during a slide show.
Name | Description | |
AdvanceMode | Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the specified shape animation advances only when clicked or automatically after a specified amount of time. Read/write PpAdvanceMode. If your shape doesn't become animated, make sure that the TextLevelEffect property is set to a value other than ppAnimateLevelNone and that the Animate property is set to True. | |
AdvanceTime | Read/write | |
AfterEffect | Returns or sets a PpAfterEffect constant that indicates whether the specified shape appears dimmed, hidden, or unchanged after it's been built. Read/write. | |
Animate | Determines whether the specified shape is animated during a slide show. Read/write MsoTriState. | |
AnimateBackground | If the specified object is an AutoShape, msoTrue if the shape is animated separately from the text it contains. If the specified shape is a graph object, msoTrue if the background (the axes and gridlines) of the specified graph object is animated. Applies only to AutoShapes with text that can be built in more than one step or to graph objects. Read/write MsoTriState. | |
AnimateTextInReverse | Determines whether the specified shape is built in reverse order. Applies only to shapes (such as shapes containing lists) that can be built in more than one step. Read/write MsoTriState. | |
AnimationOrder | Returns or sets an integer that represents the position of the specified shape within the collection of shapes to be animated. Read/write Long. | |
Application | Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object. | |
ChartUnitEffect | Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the graph range is animated by series, category, or element. Read/write PpChartUnitEffect. | |
DimColor | Returns or sets a ColorFormat object that represents the color of the specified shape after it's been built. Read-only. | |
EntryEffect | For the AnimationSettings object, this property returns or sets the special effect applied to the animation for the specified shape. For the SlideShowTransition object, this property returns or sets the special effect applied to the specified slide transition. Read/write PpEntryEffect . | |
Parent | Returns the parent object for the specified object. | |
PlaySettings | Returns a PlaySettings object that contains information about how the specified media clip plays during a slide show. | |
SoundEffect | Returns a SoundEffect object that represents the sound to be played during the transition to the specified slide. | |
TextLevelEffect | Returns or sets a PpTextLevelEffect constant that indicates whether the text in the specified shape is animated by first-level paragraphs, second-level paragraphs, or some other level (up to fifth-level paragraphs). Read/write. | |
TextUnitEffect | Returns or sets a PpTextUnitEffect constant that indicates whether the text in the specified shape is animated paragraph by paragraph, word by word, or letter by letter. Read/write. |